Bp Tools Leader in special tools for Woodworking

Bp Tools realises special tools necessary to work wood and its derived products, metals, paper and plastics.

Our company is the result of the cooperation and development with important national and international industries with several years of experience. The realisation of our tools develops along a precise and controlled production cycle where the latest generation of machines, the choice of high quality materials, investments in high efficiency technology and advanced know-how, permits to present a product and services with high standards. Furthermore the working flexibility of Bp Tools allows the realisation of special utensils that completely satisfy the client’s needs. Bp Tools is a strong, young and dynamic team. Our tools are entirely realised in Italy: MADE IN ITALY.

30 years in business

Loved by customers

About our Work

Our Location

  • Address: Viale delle Scuole, 74 San Giovanni al Natisone, Udine Italy
  • Phone: +39.0432.756437
  • Fax: +39.0432.756437
  • Email: info@bptools-srl.com